DAS angled Multi Unit
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Ny scanbody teknik löser problem!
Available for DAS MU, 0025 and 0101 Take a look at the latest cases solved at Klinika Niewiński: CASE 1 CASE 2 https://denteket.se/shop/?swoof=1&product_cat=reference-scanbody

Straumann TLX Dynamic Ti-Bases
Ny kan du använda Dynamic Abutmetns Solutions välkända Ti-Bases för att vinkla upp till 45 grader. NT31.320.260.01-2 Non-engaging Dynamic Ti-Base XNP G0.5 Comp.026031.310.260.01-2 Engaging Dynamic Ti-Base XNP G0.5 Comp.0260 RT31.323.261.01-2…

Dynamic Screw Transfer
The new DYNAMIC SCREW TRANSFER special tool designed to hold the screw by friction.

New Compatibilities – Neoss
Nu är Dynamics 3Tibase på Neoss släppta. Välj mellan 5, 7 eller 9 mm i designen och kapa på vald höjd. https://denteket.se/shop/?swoof=1&product_tag=neoss-o4-5-5-0-5-5 See all compatibilities in our cad-cam solutions brochure:…

Case with 3Tibase® from Dynamic Abutment® Solutions
Case made by Juan Mestre in his own laboratory, Mestre Dental. source

Discover how our DMTONE® works. The most innovative milling tool on the market. source

Dynamic 3Tibase®
The Dynamic 3TiBase offers the possibility to work with different cement heights: 5, 7 or 9mm. It is specially designed for the cases that require higher height. In this way,…

The Multi-unit abutment has been carefully designed to rehabilitate partially or fully edentulous arches, as well as individual. source